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Legal & Complex Solutions by Top Immigration Lawyers Auckland

When applying for a New Zealand visa, the onus lies on the applicant to present the strongest case with relevant evidence to support their application. If the application is not correctly prepared, then it might affect the end result of the application. Our specialist team is made up of legally trained professionals who are capable to provide legal assistance to all aspects of immigration law, including difficult cases or appeals. We understand each situation is different and our advice reflects this. Our knowledge and the depth of our industry experience allows us to predict and pre-empt issues you may have.

Partnership Work Visa
Successful Story

Partnership Work Visa After 2 years unlawful

A young man was facing deportation and an unlawful status because INZ had discovered false information during a partnership interview. Both he and his partner, a Samoan New Zealander, were advised by an unlicensed adviser to tell INZ that their relationship began earlier than it really did, and this information was discovered by the visa officers during the interview.

We successfully argued for cancellation of deportation, and a work visa, after which INZ raised even further concerns during the residence application. A second partnership interview was conducted and numerous inconsistencies were raised, but the couple were genuine and simply fell into nervousness and were being unfairly misunderstood. With our support, the couple have successfully presented their case, and this young father had now been granted a resident visa.

Residence approved
Successful Story

Residence approved after Anonymous accusation on file

Our client has an inter-cultural relationship with a New Zealand woman. INZ raised numerous concerns about discrepancies during the partnership interview, and issued a formal PPI letter. At the point they engaged us, we decided to seek an extension of time to respond and requested their detailed immigration file under the Privacy Act.

When we reviewed the file, we discovered an anonymous warning claiming that the relationship was false. Unfortunately, INZ had never informed us or the applicant such prejudicial information. Further to this warning, numerous inconsistencies in the couples interview had been raised which caused a high risk of a decline decision.

As the client’s adviser, we had consistently reminded INZ of principles of fairness which require INZ to take into account the applicant’s full explanation and not predetermine its decision based on any appearance of bias. We had then successfully dismissed the anonymous warning and finally secured a resident visa for our client. Our key point in assessing this case, is that INZ cannot simply decline an application based on assumption or prejudice. When there is a genuine relationship, despite the problems, an application can still be approved with the right legal support.

Appeal Minister Of Immigration

Appeal To The Minister Of Immigration

In limited circumstances, it is possible to seek Ministerial Intervention if your legal revenues seem to be exhausted. An appeal to the Minister of Immigration is essentially one last opportunity to have your voice heard, also is the highest steps in the appeal process, therefore, it is highly important that.

We will request a full privacy file of your case and make a careful review of your situation. Following this comprehensive review, we will advise whether your case has a chance at the Minister of Immigration.

Whilst the Minister, in some particular cases, might offer favourable decisions, it is important to note that:

  • The Minister will refuse to consider the case if other appeal avenues with Immigration New Zealand are still available. All applications for visas must be made in the first instance to Immigration New Zealand.
  • The Minister will refuse to intervene in your case if poor submissions and evidence are provided to support the case. The Minister’s decision is a binding decision. This decision cannot be reviewed or appealed.
  • A request to the Minister does not prevent normal immigration procedures applying to an applicant. If the applicant is liable for deportation under the Immigration Act, any deportation action will not be circumvented simply because his/her request to the Minister has been submitted.
immigration and government information
Complaint Against INZ

Complaint To Inz’s Central Feedback Team

If INZ does not provide a satisfaction of reason why your visa gets declined, or if you believe that INZ has not processed your application properly or might have treated you in an inappropriate manner, we can review your application and present you on the process of lodging a formal complaint against INZ. Following the complaint, INZ might refuse or accept the complaint, diverse the application to a new case officer for reprocessing, or overturn the previous decline decision and grant a corresponding visa.

Complaint Ombudsman
Ombudsman Complaint

Complaint To The Ombudsman

If INZ does not provide a satisfactory response over the Complaints and Feedback Process, a complaint can be made to the Ombudsman, a delegated government department which handles complaints and investigates the administrative conduct of state sector agencies.

Depending on the context of the complaint, we can request the Ombudsman to  investigate:

Decisions made by INZ on

  • Temporary entry (including visitor, work, student and limited visas)
  • Whether to accept an expression of interest to apply for residence
  • Section 61 and interim visa requests
  • Special directions
  • Cancellation of temporary entry class visas

Administrative procedural issues

Including procedural issues relating to deportation and the processing of residence and refugee status applications before any decision is made

  • Refusal to accept an application for lodgement
  • Failure to provide the applicant a chance to respond to INZ’s concerns
  • Failure to assess the application in a fair and justifiable manner

Contact us today for an initial enquiry

We have a highly experienced team of licensed immigration advisers in New Zealand. Our experts will take away the stress and worry of navigating the complicated world of immigration. All you need to do is get in touch. Our team is on standby, ready to help.

Feedback From Our Clients

It’s not just good reviews either. Most of our clients come to us as referrals from our current or past clients. Get in touch to see why we are one of the most talked about immigration practices in NZ.