Green List NZ: New Zealand’s Highly Paid and Skilled Residence Visas for Care Workforce

Green List NZ: New Zealand’s Highly Paid and Skilled Residence Visas for Care Workforce

Are you looking to migrate into New Zealand and pursue a rewarding career in the care workforce? If so, you’re in luck! New Zealand has introduced a set of highly paid and skilled residence visas known as the “Green List” for individuals in the care workforce, providing an opportunity to work and live in New Zealand permanently.

In this blog post, we will explore the eligibility criteria for these visas and what you need to know to pursue your dream of working in the healthcare industry in New Zealand.

Types of Residence Visas under Green List NZ

The Green List NZ comprises three types of residence visas: the Straight to Residence Visa, the Work to Residence Visa, and the Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa.

Let’s explore the eligibility requirements for each of these visas.

1. Straight to Residence Visa

The Straight to Residence Visa allows you to apply for residence directly without having to go through a temporary work visa.

To be eligible, you must be aged 55 or younger, meet the English language requirements for you and your family members, and meet the health and character requirements for residence.

You can apply for this visa either from within New Zealand on a work visa or from outside of New Zealand.

Things to note

  • An accredited employer must offer you a job or you must work for one.
  • Your role must be Tier 1 on the Green List and fulfill the criteria listed there for your role.
  • Your application’s older dependent children under 24 must be financially reliant entirely on you, be single, and have no children of their own.
  • You have two options for applying for the Straight to Residence Visa: either from outside of New Zealand or by coming to the country on a work visa now.

Also read: An Overview on Working in Aged Care: Duties, Qualifications, and Benefits

2. Work to Residence Visa

The Work to Residence Visa allows you to transition from a temporary work visa to residence in New Zealand. From September 29, 2023, applicants may submit a request for this visa.

You must have an offer of employment or be working in a position that pays at least twice the hourly median wage in New Zealand, which is presently NZD $59.32, in order to qualify.

While submitting an application for this visa, your employer must also be accredited. Acceptable work in New Zealand can be counted towards the Work to Residence Visa, including work on Tier 2 of the Green List or other work that earns at least twice the median wage.

Although there may be brief gaps in your career, you must demonstrate that you put in the necessary 24 months of work within the 30 months prior to the date of your visa application.

Things to note for WTR visa

  • You must be employed by or have a job offer from an approved employer at the time you apply.
  • Your employment must be long-term (fixed-term for at least 12 months) and full-time (at least 30 hours per week).
  • You must have fulfilled the Green List requirements for your role for 24 months while working in a Green List Tier 2 position.
  • You must satisfy the residency’s requirements for good health and moral character. Meeting someone to obtain a temporary visa, such as the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), does not imply that you have done so in order to obtain a Work to Residence Visa.

Things to note for highly paid residence visa

  • A job offer or employment that pays at least double the median hourly wage in New Zealand ($59.32)
  • Been employed in New Zealand for 24 months in a position paying at least double the median wage.
  • When applying for this visa, your employer must also be accredited.
  • You may be eligible to work in New Zealand on a Highly Paid Residence Visa if you have or formerly held:
    • an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)
    • if you had or applied for another work visa or a Critical Purpose Visitor Visa (with work requirements) before July 4, 2022.
  • Work accepted in New Zealand can be counted from 29 September 2021 onwards.

3. Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa

The Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa is specifically designed for individuals working in the care industry in New Zealand. From September 29, 2023, applicants may submit a request for this visa.

To be eligible, you must have an offer of employment or be currently employed in the care workforce, which includes roles such as aged care, disability care, and home and community support. When you apply for this visa, your employer must be accredited.

Things to note

  • Your position must be full-time (at least 30 hours per week), permanent, or fixed-term for at least 12 months.
  • For 24 months, you must have worked in New Zealand in a care workforce sector role that paid you the level 4 support workers’ minimum wage per hour rate or more.

In addition to the specific requirements for each visa, you must also meet the general health and character requirements for residence in New Zealand. Meeting these requirements for a temporary work visa, such as the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), does not guarantee that you have met them for these residence visas.

It’s important to note that the application fee and immigration levy for these visas can vary depending on whether you are applying from within New Zealand or another part of the world, ranging from NZD $4,020 to NZD $4,890.

If you are passionate about working in the care workforce and meet the eligibility criteria, the Green List visas can provide you with a pathway to permanent residency in New Zealand. It’s advisable to thoroughly review the requirements and gather all the necessary documents before submitting your application. Keep an eye on the official New Zealand immigration website for updates on the opening dates for these visas and other relevant information.


The Green List in New Zealand offers various residence visa options for skilled workers, including the Straight to Residence, Work to Residence, Highly Paid Residence, and Care Workforce Work to Residence Visas. These visas have specific eligibility criteria, such as age, English language proficiency, health and character requirements, and employment with an accredited employer.

If you are interested in immigrating to New Zealand and exploring these opportunities, it is important to stay updated with the latest information and opening dates for visa applications. For more guidance and assistance with your immigration journey, consider consulting Immigration Chambers, a reputable immigration advisory firm. Start your journey towards a new life in New Zealand by contacting Immigration Chambers today!