Navigating NZ Transport Work to Residence Visa Application

Navigating NZ Transport Work to Residence Visa Application

At the heart of New Zealand’s immigration policy lies a pathway aimed at individuals who have contributed significantly to the transport sector within the country. The Transport Work to Residence Visa offers a unique opportunity for eligible individuals to transition from temporary work status to permanent residency, providing a stable foundation for their future in New Zealand.

This comprehensive guide equips you with all the necessary information and supporting documents required for a successful application.

What is a Transport Work to Residence Visa?

Those who have worked in specific transport profession roles in New Zealand may be eligible to apply for residency under the Transport Work to Residence Visa. You can live, work, and study in New Zealand with this residency track visa. You can also apply with your partner and any dependent children.

Eligibility Assessment

Before diving into the application process, it’s crucial to determine your eligibility for this visa. Here’s what you need to consider:

Work Experience Requirements

To qualify for this visa, you must possess 24 months of work experience in an approved transport sector role. Notable among these roles are bus drivers (731211), truck drivers (733111), aircraft refuellers (733112), furniture removalists (733113), tanker drivers (733114), tow truck drivers (733115), ship’s masters (231231), and deck hands (899211). However, it’s imperative to note that each occupation imposes distinct requirements and prerequisites, mandating meticulous adherence to role-specific criteria for qualification under the visa program.

The experience should have been accumulated within the 30 months preceding your application date. You can calculate this work experience by:

  • Including work in transport roles over the past 24 months.
  • Accounting for legally entitled leaves such as annual or parental leave.
  • Incorporating work in Tier 2 Green List roles, care workforce roles, or roles paying at least twice the median wage.

Language Proficiency

Demonstrating proficiency in English is essential for your visa application. You can prove your English language skills through:

  • Citizenship, educational background, and attained qualifications.
  • English language tests meeting the specified minimum score criteria.
  • Providing evidence of purchasing English language lessons if required.

Health and Character Requirements

You and your family members included in the application must meet the health and character standards set by the immigration authorities. This entails undergoing medical examinations, chest X-rays, and obtaining police certificates from relevant jurisdictions.

Supporting Documents

To streamline your application process, ensure you have the following supporting documents ready:

Identity and Relationship Proof

  • Passport and other identity documents.
  • Birth certificates for yourself, your partner, and dependent children.
  • Marriage certificates or other documents establishing relationships.

Health Assessment Documents

  • Medical certificates and chest X-ray reports from authorized panel physicians.
  • Proof of completion of general medical examinations for dependent children.

English Language Proficiency Evidence

  • Citizenship proofs, educational transcripts, and qualification certificates.
  • Results of English language tests conducted within the last two years.
  • Receipts or certificates confirming the purchase of English language lessons if applicable.

Work Experience Documentation

  • Previous or current employment agreements.
  • Job contracts detailing roles, responsibilities, and terms of employment.
  • Income summaries from tax authorities to validate your employment status.

Application Process

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary documents, proceed with the visa application process:

  1. Online Application Submission: Submit your application through the official immigration portal, ensuring all required fields are accurately filled.
  2. Document Submission: Upload scanned copies of all supporting documents as per the checklist provided.
  3. Medical Examinations: Schedule appointments with approved panel physicians for medical examinations and chest X-rays.
  4. Police Certificates: Obtain police certificates from countries of citizenship and residency as per the specified guidelines.
  5. English Language Proficiency: Provide evidence of meeting the English language requirements through citizenship, qualifications, or test results.
  6. Work Experience Verification: Present employment agreements, contracts, and income statements to validate your 24 months of work experience.
  7. Additional Evidence Submission: Be prepared to provide supplementary evidence upon request during the application assessment process.


Navigating the application process for a Transport Work to Residence Visa requires meticulous attention to detail and thorough documentation. By following this comprehensive guide and ensuring you meet all eligibility criteria, you can enhance your chances of a successful visa application. 

It can be difficult to navigate the complexities of immigration law, but with Immigration Chambers by your side, the process gets easier. Our team consists of certified Immigration Lawyers New Zealand and Licensed Immigration Advisers Auckland with a wealth of knowledge in managing a variety of immigration cases. Are you considering applying for a Transport Work to Residence Visa for New Zealand? Get in touch with us now to make it easier for you to navigate and understand, thereby reducing stress and confusion. Your journey to New Zealand will be more enjoyable if you are well-prepared for the immigration process.