NZ Qualification Assessment

NZ Qualification Assessment

Foreign tertiary and vocational degrees are assessed by NZQA to determine how they stack up against New Zealand degrees. The findings of your evaluation may better enable New Zealand organizations to comprehend your foreign credentials for employment, immigration, or postsecondary education.

How does IQA work?

A tertiary or occupational qualification obtained outside of New Zealand is evaluated by an international qualification assessment (IQA). Your foreign degree is measured against:

  • a NZQF level, and
  • a New Zealand qualification type, if a direct comparison exists

Do I need NZQA assessment?

You must submit an assessment report from the NZQA if your qualification is not included in the list of qualifications exempt from assessment (unless you have full or provisional registration and your qualification has been assessed by a New Zealand organization as being comparable to a New Zealand qualification on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment).

How many credits do you need to pass NZQA?

To obtain your NCEA Level 1, 2, or 3, you must accrue a total of 80 credits. By being judged against standards, you can obtain these credits. Standards evaluate many knowledge and skill areas within each discipline. You can be required to analyze a text, provide a speech, or create a business case for a standard.

Is NZQA assessment free?

No, it is not. According to section 457 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (referred to as “the Act”), the Board of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority levies different fees.

NZQA fees

For how long is the NZQA valid?

The expiration date is typically two years after the conclusion of the evaluation.

When you might require an IQA

A request for an IQA might be necessary:

  • For immigration purpose,
  • register as a teacher 
  • teacher wage assessment
  • to register with a professional registration organization
  • for employment, 
  • enroll in additional study

When an IQA is required for immigration purposes?

If you require an IQA, Immigration New Zealand will notify you.

Typically, this occurs if:

If your qualification is on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (LQEA) and you are not applying through a Skill Shortage List, you do not require an IQA.

Before applying for an IQA, check with Immigration New Zealand to find out whether you require an assessment and which of your qualifications has to be evaluated.

When a Skill Shortage List Assessment is required?

If you are applying to Immigration New Zealand under a profession on one of the Skill Shortage Lists, you may require a Skill Shortage List Assessment add-on in addition to an IQA. The add-on assesses your qualifications against job-specific criteria.

To find out if you need to apply for an add-on with your IQA, select the list under which you are applying.

Green List – Do you need a Skill Shortage List Assessment for your occupation? 

Long Term Skill Shortage List – Do you need a Skill Shortage List Assessment for your occupation? 

Note: Use the PDF list above to identify the Occupation Group name you’ll need to include in the IQA application form.

Immigration assistance and guidance

For immigration help, contact Immigration Chambers New Zealand. NZQA cannot give information about moving to New Zealand.

Check with the New Zealand organization you are applying to to see if you require an IQA.

Occupational registration

Certain professions necessitate occupational registration. On the Immigration New Zealand website, you may learn more about your options, including if you need NZQA to certify your overseas qualifications.

Occupational registration – Immigration NZ

Evaluation of refugee qualifications

For those who arrived in New Zealand as refugees, NZQA can assess their qualifications.

Evaluation of refugee qualifications

Qualifications we can Examine

Check the list of qualities we can consider before you submit your application:

  • a tertiary or vocational upper-secondary qualification
  • completed study programmes
  • qualifications acquired from a provider recognised on a national level and accredited by the appropriate government body in both the country of award and the country of delivery
  • 400 minimum notional hours of learning (approximately 10 weeks of full time academic study)

To support the acknowledgment of your qualification, we might need extra documentation.

Qualifications we cannot Examine

We are unable to evaluate:

  • secondary school qualifications
  • incomplete study programmes
  • attendance certificates
  • proficiency certificates (if they do not include formal learning programmes)
  • Do not include letters or certificates of work experience with your IQA application. Apprenticeships without formal training programmes.
  • certifications of professional or specialized training (for example, CISCO or Microsoft expert awards)
  • Membership certificates issued by chartered bodies are not valid unless they are officially acknowledged at the time of award by the applicable government or government-mandated education bodies in the nation of award.

We won’t be able to evaluate it if you submit one of these.

If you have a recognition evaluation from another nation

Please note that we are unable to accept it since we compare foreign degrees to levels or other qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.

Ask the person or organization you are applying to if they will accept a qualification evaluation from another nation before submitting an application for an IQA.

Apply for an IQA

Once you’ve made sure of the following, you can submit an IQA application:

  • You require IQA
  • Your qualifications can be evaluated
  • You have the essential documents