Quarantine Free Travel

Quarantine Free Travel

If you are in NZ and need a visa to travel to Australia, we can help you, or conversely if you are in Australia and want to come here we can also assist you.

From 19 April 2021 quarantine-free travel will enable more movement between NZ and safe zones in Australia. Travellers coming from safe zones will not be required to enter managed isolation or quarantine on arrival in NZ.

To be eligible for quarantine-free travel, travellers must:  

  • meet immigration requirements
  • have spent 14 days in either Australia or New Zealand
  • not had a positive COVID-19 test result, or, for those who tested positive, have written advice from a health practitioner declaring that they are no longer infectious 
  • not be awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.

Australian and New Zealand citizens may travel between Australia and New Zealand.

All others must hold a visa or NZeTA.

Explore your visa options or contact us

What happens if there is an alert level change in NZ?

New Zealand has a 4-level COVID-19 alert system. Each alert level tells us what measures we need to take.   

If alert levels change you must be prepared to stay where you are. This includes having enough money to support yourself should circumstances change. You might have to stay in a managed isolation or quarantine (MIQ) facility at your own expense. 

Travellers should also monitor Government websites for changes. 

Travel to NZ

Before boarding a flight from Australia to New Zealand, travellers must have: 

  • completed travel and health declarations  
  • a face covering or mask.  

Face coverings or masks must be worn at the airport and throughout the flight.  

On arrival, travellers will be guided through the airport by border staff. Signs will show the way to customs and baggage claims.  

Health professionals will carry out temperature checks and health assessments as required.  

You do not need to prove you have been vaccinated to enter the quarantine-free travel zone.