With its breath-taking scenery, rolling hills, towering cliffs and rugged coastlines, visiting the Chatham Islands is like striking NZ gold. In fact, it’s the first inhabited place in the world to welcome each day. How about that!

Approximately 2hrs flight from Auckland via Air Chathams, it’s ideal for those who want to feel like they have gone overseas but without the long commute and hustle bustle of tourists. When you arrive you will sigh relief at the peace and tranquility this place personifies.
This is your ultimate journey of discovery. There’s much on offer from rich history, unique nature, walks and hikes, isolated beaches and bird watching. Talking of birds – 30% of NZ’s threatened species can be found here, with 18 bird species only found in the Chathams. What’s more you can learn about the fascinating history of Moriori culture (the first inhabitants of the island).

Ok, so if you don’t want to go it alone there are organised tours. You can take in the Stone Cottage, interesting geology, local museum and the National Reserve.
Basalt rock formations
You needn’t think that you’ll miss out on fantastic food too. There’s a hotel restaurant, café and foodstore. And to top it all off there are plenty of accommodation options that cover all budgets.
The Chathams really is that special NZ destination that not many get the opportunity to discover. It is accessible, affordable and an incredible ‘overseas’ experience sure to be remembered long after leaving.