AEWV Employer Accreditation: How To Apply

AEWV Employer Accreditation: How To Apply

Prior to submitting an online application for accreditation to use an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) to hire employees, research your company and make sure you can honor any AEWV commitments.

Apply online 

You can prepare your application with the aid of our checklists for employers, including franchisees and those that use controlling third parties. 

Start your application if you have all you need to.

Expense of Accreditation

Depending on the kind of accreditation you choose to apply for, you must pay a separate cost.

If you are currently accredited to hire people with Talent (Accredited Employer) work and residence visas, you might not be required to pay a fee.

Check if you can apply

Your business must be a real, viable firm that can satisfy at least one of these financial requirements in order to qualify.

  • Over the past two years, your business has not experienced a loss.
  • For the previous six months, your business has enjoyed a positive cash flow each month.
  • Your business has the necessary resources or outside funding to continue operating.
  • Your business has a solid two-year plan to guarantee its continued viability, such as a sales prediction or cash flow projection.
  • Additionally, your business must abide by all applicable employment, commercial, and immigration laws in New Zealand.

You cannot be permanently barred from hiring immigrants, nor may any important members of your organization be placed on the Labour Inspectorate’s stand-down list. Immigration NZ make sure you are.

AEWV employer accreditation is legal compliance.

If your company is a franchise, places employees under the management of a third party, a trust, a partnership, or a sole proprietorship, there are additional criteria.

Information need to gather before applying

You require:

  • IRD numbers for businesses
  • you will need a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) that matches the details in the companies register, if you are a foreign diplomatic mission, 
  • your BIC code for business industries
  • a significant member of your organization’s full name, passport number, and birthdate; you must have that person’s permission to disclose this information.

Document Uploading

The majority of employers won’t be required to upload any papers during the application process.

NZ Immigration will need proof that your business is profitable if it:

  • hasn’t been in business for more than a year or 
  • doesn’t have a strategy to keep it alive.

To determine what documentation to offer, consult employer accreditation checklist.

Applying for accreditation: checklists for employers

Responsibilities you take on when applying

You must state on the application that the business, the employer, and those in charge of it all adhere to New Zealand employment rules and standards as well as the Immigration Act of 2009.

Recruiters Training

You must promise to make sure that everyone who makes hiring decisions with AEWV holders completes the online employer modules provided by Employment New Zealand. This could involve partners, sole proprietors, human resource managers, and hiring managers.

These modules must be finished just once during each accreditation period. This does not constitute a new accreditation term if your accreditation period is extended. The modules do not need to be finished again until your subsequent accreditation term.

Employment and recruitment expenses

You must promise to pay all hiring expenses—both domestically and internationally—and not pass those expenses along to your AEWV staff.

This comprises:

  • Cost of advertising
  • fees for hiring agencies
  • application fees for Job Check and employer accreditation
  • trade evaluation
  • tools you own, and
  • training and induction.

You cannot impose fees outside of New Zealand that would be prohibited inside the country, such as the following:

  • payment to obtain employment
  • Bonding contracts that link employees to a business in an unlawful manner
  • deductions that are not authorized in writing or that are unreasonable.

AEWV holders training

You must guarantee that all online employee modules provided by Employment New Zealand will be completed by AEWV employees during paid work hours. They must receive this time within a month of beginning their employment with you.

You need to keep track of the modules you complete since NZ immigration could ask to view them.

Assisting employees to settle

You must promise to provide your migrant workers with detailed information on working and living in New Zealand, as well as the local community services.

Within one month on the day the AEWV employee begins their work contract, you must finish these settlement tasks.

When you renew your accreditation, Immigration NZ evaluates whether you have adhered to your commitments. Immigration NZ might also conduct checks while you are accredited.

Controlling third-party accreditation commitments

There are additional criteria you need to satisfy if you are placing migrants with a controlled third party.

How NZ Immigration assess your application?

NZ immigration evaluates the majority of applications using your declarations and automated  checks against data that is either publicly available or data that is kept by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

If NZ immigration needs more information to evaluate your application or if they are not confident that you meet the standards, they will get in touch with you.

Once your Accreditation has been approved

Advertising your roles and requesting a Job Check are the next steps in hiring personnel for an AEWV.

How to submit a Job Check application

Changing the type of your Accreditation

You can only offer up to five jobs at a time with standard accreditation to residents of New Zealand or other countries. There is no cap on the accreditation of other types.

You can upgrade to high-volume accreditation if you need to hire more migrant workers after reaching your quota limit.

You must reapply and pay the full accreditation price if you want to upgrade or downgrade your accreditation type, such as going from standard or high-volume to controlling third party accreditation.

Get help to apply

Immigration Chambers is your trusted adviser in navigating the process of applying and becoming an accredited employer under the AEWV (Accredited Employer Work Visa) program. Our team of experienced immigration experts is well-versed in the requirements and procedures for employer accreditation, and Immigration NZ can provide you with comprehensive guidance and support throughout the application process. 

From assessing your eligibility, preparing and submitting the necessary documents, to liaising with immigration authorities on your behalf, Immigration Chambers can streamline the process and increase your chances of obtaining accreditation successfully. With our expertise, you can confidently pursue employer accreditation and unlock the benefits of hiring overseas talent through the AEWV program. Contact us today to begin your journey towards becoming an accredited employer.