What are the ways to Move to New Zealand with Your Family?

What are the ways to Move to New Zealand with Your Family?

Are you looking for ways to move to New Zealand with your family? We receive many questions about migrating to New Zealand with family members. In this article, we will cover the basics of migrating to New Zealand. To come to New Zealand, you will need a valid NZ visa. To obtain a NZ visa, you must demonstrate that you are a bona fide applicant when lodging your visa application with Immigration New Zealand (INZ). Otherwise, INZ is likely to decline your visa application.

Types of Visas to Move to New Zealand

Temporary-Class Visa

a) Visitor Visa (Short Visit)

If you are considering migrating to New Zealand, you might want to visit the country to see if the lifestyle suits your preferences. However, applying for a Visitor Visa can be challenging, as Immigration New Zealand (INZ) assesses your entire situation to determine if you meet the “bona fide” criteria. It’s not just about having enough money to fund your travel or knowing someone in New Zealand who is a citizen or resident. If you want to check whether your current circumstances are likely to meet the INZ Visitor Visa approval criteria, book a paid consultation, and let’s plan ahead for your goal.

b) Student Visa

If you think your chances of getting a job offer from a company willing to sponsor your visa are low, you may consider a student visa as a pathway to migrate to New Zealand. You can sponsor an Open Work Visa for your spouse if you are studying:

  • a level 9 or 10 qualification
  • a level 7 or 8 qualification specified for a role on INZ’s Green List—listed either as a requirement or a registration qualification
  • a level 7 or 8 qualification specified on our Qualifications Eligible for a Post Study Work Visa list

Depending on your eligibility, you may also sponsor your dependent child for a student visa, allowing them to access free education in New Zealand public schools. If you want to check whether your current circumstances are likely to satisfy INZ Student Visa approval criteria, get in touch with us.

Please refer to our published article: “The Best Pathway to a New Zealand Work and (Potentially) Resident Visa.”

c) Work Visa

For those who have successfully secured an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), you might be eligible to sponsor your spouse for a work visa.

If you hold an AEWV and your earnings are as follows:

  • Earn less than $29.66/hour: Your partner is eligible for a Visitor Visa.
  • Earn at least $29.66/hour: Your partner is eligible for a Work Visa (with conditions), meaning they can work, but there may be restrictions related to employer accreditation and wage requirement.
  • Earn at least $59.32/hour or hold a Green List role: Your partner is eligible for an Open Work Visa, meaning they can work for any employer in any role at any wage.
  • At the time of publishing this article, the current median wage threshold for the AEWV is $29.66 per hour. INZ policy may change from time to time, so it’s best to check the latest policies for any visa application.

Resident-Class Visa

a) Resident Visa

We will discuss the Resident Visa in further detail in the next article. If you are currently outside of New Zealand and do not have a job offer, you likely do not meet the criteria for a Resident Visa. We suggest focusing on temporary-class visas as a pathway to migrate to New Zealand.

b) Permanent Resident Visa

You need to hold a Resident Visa for 2 years and meet the requirements to be eligible to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa.


Having a job offer is crucial for certain types of NZ visa applications, such as the AEWV or a Resident Visa (unless it is a partnership-based visa).

If you are serious about migrating to New Zealand, book a paid consultation to check your eligibility and get Immigration expert’s guidance on your migration plan.

Immigration Chambers provides expert guidance for applying for New Zealand visas, helping you navigate complex visa requirements and improve your chances of approval. Get in touch with our experienced Immigration Adviser in New Zealand to streamline your New Zealand visa application.